Unit 5: Rocks & Minerals
The study of rocks and minerals is part of a large branch of science called Geology. Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them.
Broader context:
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. That is, all rocks are made of minerals. Mineral properties are important in determining how we use them and also play a role in changes that take place to the rocks that are exposed to various agents of weathering in the environment (water, air, etc.). Those changes will be addressed in another unit.
Learning objectives:
1. Minerals
- learn what minerals are and why they have the properties that they do
- learn about diagnostic properties used for identifying minerals
- be able to identify minerals based on their properties
- utilize ESRT (pp. 1 and 16) to assist in answering questions about minerals
2. Rocks
- the three rock types, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are differentiated by their method of formation and have properties that result from how they are formed.
- become proficient in the use of pages 6 and 7 in the ESRT
- identify rocks as being igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic and supporting the classification with observable evidence (characteristics of the rocks)
- describe the method of formation for each rock type
- the rock cycle is a model that can be used to show how rock types are interrelated, and how natural processes continually recycle rock material
Mineral Identification & Properties
Dates: Friday, March 20 through Tuesday, March 24
Review book pages: 218 - 223
Learning materials
1. Powerpoint: Intro to Minerals
2. Video: A Brief Introduction to Minerals (10:21)
3. Powerpoint: Mineral Properties and Diagnostic Tests
4. Video: How to identify a Mineral (8:39)
Activities & Assessments
Castlelearning Assignment: Minerals 2020
Breakage Patterns practice (complete on google classroom)
Igneous Rocks
Dates: Wednesday, March 25 to Thursday, March 26
Review book pages: 226 - 228
Learning materials
1. Powerpoint: Intro to Igneous Rocks
2. Video: What is an Igneous Rock? (5:37)
3. Video: Understanding Page 6 of the ESRT (5:55)
Activities & Assessments
Castlelearning Assignment
Sedimentary Rocks
Dates: Friday, March 27
Review book pages: 223 - 226
Learning materials
1. Powerpoint: Intro to Sedimentary Rocks
2. Video: What is a Sedimentary Rock? (8:39)
3. Video: Understanding Page 7 of the ESRT Sedimentary Rocks (3:38)
Activities & Assessments
Castlelearning Assignment
Metamorphic Rocks
Dates: Monday, March 30
Review book pages: 228 - 231
Learning materials
1. Powerpoint: Intro to Metamorphic Rocks
2. Video: What is a Metamorphic Rock? (3:59)
3. Video: Understanding Page 7 of the ESRT Metamorphic Rocks (3:33)
Activities & Assessments
Castlelearning Assignment
The Rock Cycle
Dates: Tuesday, March 31 to Wednesday April 1
Review book pages: 231 - 232
Learning materials
1. Video: Rock Cycle (4:24)
2. Rock Cycle (explained with food) (4:31)
3. Powerpoint: Rock Cycle & Review of Rock Identification (Highly recommended for Rock ID lab)
Activities & Assessments
Rock Cycle & Summary Questions
Rock Identification Lab (Graded)